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Lexicon commençant par K


Karl Hammer-KaateeKarl Hammer-Kaateerechercher ce terme
Karl HaushoferKarl Haushoferrechercher ce terme

Karl Ernst Haushofer (27.8.1869 – 10.3.1946). German general, geographer and geopolitician. His ideas had influenced on the Nazi ideology through his student Rudolf Hess.

Synonymes: Haushofer, Хаусхофер

Karl Maria WiligutKarl Maria Wiligutrechercher ce terme

Synonymes: Weisthor, Wiligut, Вилигут

Karl WolffKarl Wolffrechercher ce terme

Karl Friedrich Otto Wolff (13.5.1900 – 17.7.1984), SS member , was Chief of Personal Staff to the Reichsführer (Heinrich Himmler) at the time Otto Rahn was a SS member. He ended World War II as the Supreme Commander of all SS forces in Italy ultimately holding the rank of SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS.

Synonymes: Wolff, Карл Вольф