Lexicon commençant par K
Karl Hammer-Kaateerechercher ce terme
Karl Haushoferrechercher ce terme
Karl Ernst Haushofer (27.8.1869 – 10.3.1946). German general, geographer and geopolitician. His ideas had influenced on the Nazi ideology through his student Rudolf Hess.
Synonymes: Haushofer, Хаусхофер
Karl Maria Wiligutrechercher ce terme
Synonymes: Weisthor, Wiligut, Вилигут
Karl Wolffrechercher ce terme
Karl Friedrich Otto Wolff (13.5.1900 – 17.7.1984), SS member , was Chief of Personal Staff to the Reichsführer (Heinrich Himmler) at the time Otto Rahn was a SS member. He ended World War II as the Supreme Commander of all SS forces in Italy ultimately holding the rank of SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS.
Synonymes: Wolff, Карл Вольф
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Invisible or burnt out Sun (or old Sun), symbolizes an opposing force or pole, or the left side of the Universe (or our Galaxy), or the celestial homeland of the Hyperboreans and the invisible source of their energy. The central symbol of the Nazi ideology. The similar term is in alchemy teachings, Mayan mythology, Helena Blavatsky's Theosophy (Central Sun) etc.
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