Lexicon commençant par A
- Adriana Kouliasrechercher ce terme
The author of fiction book The Sixth Key with Otto Rahn as one of the main characters.
Voir aussi: The Sixth Key
- Ahnenerberechercher ce terme
The Ancestral Heritage Research and Teaching Society, or Ahnenerbe Forschungs-und Lehrgemeinschaft, was founded in July 1935 by Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Wirth and Richard Walther Darré.
Synonymes: Аненербе, Аненэрбе, Анэнэрбэ
- Alan Bakerrechercher ce terme
The author of Invisible Eagle and NS Occult History
- Albert von Hallerrechercher ce terme
The publisher of The Court of Lucifer
- André Douzetrechercher ce terme
The author of The Wanderings of the Grail: The Cathars, the Search for the Grail And the Discovery of Egyptian Relics in the French Pyrenees
Synonymes: Andre Douzet
- Andrew Goughrechercher ce terme
Writer, TV Personality and Editor in Chief of Mindscape Magazine, also investigated Otto Rahn activity.
- Antonio Gadalrechercher ce terme
Synonymes: Gadal, Антонио Гадаль, Гадал
- Arma Christirechercher ce terme
The Instruments of the Passion used during the Crucifixion (the Sponge, the Spear (the Spear of Destiny), the Nails, the Cup (the Grail) etc. There is a common belief that they have some supreme power. Nazi tried to find and possess them.
Voir aussi: Grail, Spear of Destiny
- Asta Bachrechercher ce terme
Bride of Otto Rahn
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