Lexicon commençant par G
Gerard de Sederechercher ce terme
Géraud Marie de Sède de Liéoux (5.6.1921 – 29.5.2004) Author of The Accursed Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau (Keys of Antiquity) and more than 40 other works on alternative history
Synonymes: Gérard de Sède
Grailrechercher ce terme
Mystic artefact or idea, the subject of external or inner search.
Voir aussi: Arma Christi
Synonymes: Graal, Gral, Grial, Граал, Грааль
Contenu populaire
Random Lexicon
Invisible or burnt out Sun (or old Sun), symbolizes an opposing force or pole, or the left side of the Universe (or our Galaxy), or the celestial homeland of the Hyperboreans and the invisible source of their energy. The central symbol of the Nazi ideology. The similar term is in alchemy teachings, Mayan mythology, Helena Blavatsky's Theosophy (Central Sun) etc.
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