Lexicon beginning with W
Wandervogelпоиск термина
См. также: Nerother Bund
Werner Huemerпоиск термина
1962, the Chief Redactor of "GralsWelt – Zeitschrift für ganzheitliches Denken und fördernde Lebenswege"
Синонимы: Вернер Гуемер
Wewelsburgпоиск термина
a castle located in the North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in the village of Wewelsburg (1609). The main office of SS Orden. Also known as SS Grail Castle because of the specially arranged place for the Grail
Синонимы: Вевельсбург
White Lieпоиск термина
Book by Jeanne D'Aout with Otto Rahn as one of the main characters
См. также: Jeanne D'Août
Синонимы: Белая ложь
Winckler-Dechendпоиск термина
Gabriele Winckler-Dechend (1908-?), a secretary of Karl Maria Wiligut during his SS service. She was the first who read the Rahn's book and showed it to Wiligut. She was a good friend of Otto, Rahn was a godfather of her son (1939). Nee Dechend, married in 1937.
Синонимы: Winkler-Dechend, Винклер-Дешенд
Wolfram von Eschenbachпоиск термина
Wolfram von Eschenbach (c. 1170 – c. 1220), German knight and poet, one of the greatest epic poets of his time, the author of Parsifal
См. также: Parsival
Синонимы: Eschenbach, Wolfram
Популярное содержание
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Major medieval German romance by the Wolfram von Eschenbach, in the Middle High German language. Commonly dated to the first quarter of the 13th century. The basis on which Otto Rahn began his quest for Grail.
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