Lexicon beginning with L
Languedocsearch for term
Languedoc is a former province of France in Midi-Pyrénées, the capital city is Toulouse. Part of Occitania. The center of Cathar religion.
See also: Occitania
Synonyms: Лангедок
Lombrivessearch for term
Caves near Montsegur where Otto Rahn spent a lot of time searching for the Grail traces.
Synonyms: Ломбрив
Luca Leonello Rimbottisearch for term
Synonyms: Rimbotti
Lucifersearch for term
The Light Bringer. Otto Rahn understood him (according to Catharism) as the liberator from the Jewish God.
Synonyms: Luzifer, Люцифер
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Also the Spear (of) Longinus, one of the Arma Cristi artifacts. The Jesus' side was pierced with it.
In mystic teachings the Spear (the masculine) and the Cup of Grail (the feminine) create a couple. So to have the whole power one must possess both. Nazi seized the Spear on March 12th, 1938, the day he annexed Austria.
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