Lexicon beginning with J
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- Jean-Luc Robinsearch for term
The researcher of the mystery of Rennes-le-Château
Synonyms: Жан-Люк Робин
- Jeanne D'Aoûtsearch for term
Author of White Lie - fiction and investigation book about Otto Rahn
See also: White Lie
Synonyms: D'Aout, D'Août
- John J. Reillysearch for term
- Judas Apocalypsesearch for term
A fiction book with Otto Rahn as a character
See also: Daniel McNeil
Synonyms: The Judas Apocalypse
- Julius Evolasearch for term
Barone Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola (19.5.1898 – 11.6.1974), Italian philosopher and esotericist. Author of «Heidischer Imperialismus»
Synonyms: Evola, Эвола
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