Lexicon beginning with T
Templarssearch for term
The knights Orden which possessed a lot of treasures, knowledges, archives and artifacts, possibly the Grail among them.
Sinonimi: Тамплиеры, Храмовики
The Da Vinci Codesearch for term
Mystery-detective novel written by Dan Brown (2003). The main idea came from the Otto Rahn's book Crusade against the Grail
The Secret Glorysearch for term
Film by Richard Stanley about Otto Rahn
See also: Richard Stanley
Sinonimi: Secret Glory
The Sixth Keysearch for term
A fiction book with Otto Rahn as one of the main characters
See also: Adriana Koulias
Sinonimi: sixth key, шестой ключ
Thulesearch for term
The Thule Society (Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum (Study Group for Germanic Antiquity), German occultist group, named after a mythical northern country of Greek legends. The mystic center of Nazi ideology.
Tibetsearch for term
Tom Crowsearch for term
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Book by Jeanne D'Aout with Otto Rahn as one of the main characters
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