Lexicon beginning with S
- Sabeheddinsearch for term
Mehmet Sabeheddin. He examines Nazi Occultism, Middle Eastern mysteries and ancient Babylon.
- Saunieresearch for term
François Bérenger Saunière (1852 - 1917), priest of Rennes le Château (1885-1917). A central figure in many of the conspiracy theories surrounding Rennes-le-Château, in particular, associated with the Grail and Cathars.
See also: Dénarnaud, Rennes-le-Château
Sinonimi: Saunière
- Spear of Destinysearch for term
Also the Spear (of) Longinus, one of the Arma Cristi artifacts. The Jesus' side was pierced with it. In mystic teachings the Spear (the masculine) and the Cup of Grail (the feminine) create a couple. So to have the whole power one must possess both. Nazi seized the Spear on March 12th, 1938, the day he annexed Austria.
See also: Arma Christi
Sinonimi: Spear, Копье, Копье Судьбы
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