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Invisible Eagle and NS Occult History, by Alan Baker

... which was an account of his research trip to Iceland for the SS, was published in 1937. This was followed by four months ... Baker, Articles, Cathars, Dachau, Grail, Heinrich Himmler, Iceland, Investigation, Karl Maria Wiligut, Lucifer, Nacism) ...

Story - admin - 12/07/2011 - 03:29 - 0 commenti

Otto Rahn Bio

... and wrote about places in Germany, France, Italy, and Iceland .  When speculative rumors surfaced of Otto’s ... Gadal, Articles, Cathars, Dachau, Grail, Heinrich Himmler, Iceland, Investigation, Karl Maria Wiligut, Lucifer, Michelstadt, Montsalvache, ...

Story - admin - 11/19/2011 - 02:44 - 0 commenti

English translator's foreword to Crusade Against the Grail

... Rahn participated in a German expedition to Iceland to research the origin of the Edda s and the birthplace of ... Christopher Jones, Edda, Frise, Grail, Heinrich Himmler, Iceland, Investigation, Karl Maria Wiligut, Lucifer, Michelstadt, Montsegur, ...

Story - admin - 12/07/2011 - 03:44 - 0 commenti