

Kristallschädel von SS-Führer Heinrich Himmler entdeckt?

Sie sind mystisch und geheimnisvoll – die Kristallschädel der indianischen Hochkulturen. Jetzt wurde einer dieser angeblichen „Götterschädel" in Bayern gefunden. Und der befand sich früher vermutlich im Besitz von SS-Führer Heinrich Himmler! 09.03.2011 — 10:20 Uhr, Bild.de
Wie das Magazin „Mysteries“ berichtet, fand der Schweizer Journalist Luc Bürgin den Schädel (12 Kilogramm schwer, 17,5 Zentimeter hoch, 21 Zentimeter tief) auf dem Dachboden seines bayerischen Informanten – versteckt in einem alten Holzkasten. „Eine Spezialanfertigung, die sich wiederum in einem alten, abgeschabten Tornister aus Leder befand.“
Dieser Fund versetzt Historiker in Aufruhr! Denn seit Jahrhunderten geben die geheimnisvollen Totenschädel Rätsel auf.
Zwölf solcher Kristallschädel sind bekannt, dies wäre nun der geheime dreizehnte. Angeblich stammen sie aus den Überresten der Hochkulturen Mittel- und Südamerikas, wo die Priester der Maya oder Azteken mit ihnen religiöse Rituale vollzogen. Laut Legende sollen alle 13 zusammen am 21. Dezember 2012, wenn der Maya-Kalender endet und die Welt untergehen soll, ein neues Zeitalter des Lichts schaffen und somit die Apokalypse verhindern.
Außerdem im Besitz des Bayern: Eine hochbrisante Nazi-Liste!
Auf dem unbekannten, vierseitigen Papier finden sich 35 wertvolle Kunstschätze, die auf Befehl der obersten Nazi-Führungsriege von Adolf Hitler und Heinrich Himmler kurz vor Kriegsende über Augsburg ins südböhmische Strakonitz (Sudetenland) transportiert werden sollten. Darunter auch Punkt 14: Der Kristallschädel. „263-2 FRSS Sammlung Rahn, No 25592, Lederkoffer, Kristalltotenkopf, Kolonien, Südamerika.“
Laut Liste gehörte der Totenkopf einst dem Forscher Otto Rahn, der für die Nazis auf die Suche nach dem Heiligen Gral ging und 1939 unter ungeklärten Umständen ums Leben kam. Und die Inventarnummer 25592 auf der Liste fand sich auch auf dem Holzkasten.
Ist der Schädel, den der Informant vor drei Jahren angeblich „zum Preis eines Butterbrots" erstand, also tatsächlich echt?
Ganz will sich Bürgin, ehemaliger Chefredakteur einer Basler Tageszeitung, nicht auf das Wort seines Informanten verlassen: „Wir werden in den nächsten Monaten sicherlich entsprechende Fachgutachten über die Liste und den Schädel einholen. Bis dahin kann ich mich nur auf mein journalistisches Bauchgefühl verlassen – und das sagt mir, dass besagte Liste tatsächlich echt sein dürfte."
Hokus-Pokus oder Sensationsfund? Wie viel Wahres an der Legende um die Kristallschädel dran ist, ist umstritten. Wissenschaftler hatten schon die Echtheit eines angeblichen Götterschädels aus dem Britischen Museum angezweifelt. Indem Forscher die Schädel elektromikroskopisch untersuchen, können sie feststellen, ob anstatt der alten Maya eher eine Kristallschleiferei aus dem 19. Jahrhundert die Totenköpfe herstellte. So vermuten viele Forscher europäische Schleif-Zentren der damaligen Zeit, wie zum Beispiel Idar-Oberstein, als Herkunftsort. Doch Zweifel bleiben immer, denn Kristallbearbeitungen lassen sich nicht exakt datieren.
Es kann also sein, dass der geheime Schädel alles andere als magisch ist – sondern einfach nur ein schönes Deko-Stück aus Idar-Oberstein.
Mehr auf:
Mayan crystal skull believed to have been owned by SS chief Heinrich Himmler discovered in Germany
by Greig Box-Turnbull, Daily Mirror 10/03/2011
A MYSTERIOUS crystal skull thought to have belonged to Hitler’s SS chief Heinrich Himmler has been discovered in Germany.
The artefact, found resting on a beam beneath the roof of a house in a Bavarian village, has excited treasure hunters.
They believe it may be part of a larger trove of bounty once owned by the most sinister man in Nazi Germany.
Indications are that it was part of a series worshipped by ancient Mayan cultures in what is now Mexico – where, legend has it, the skulls are vital to stop the world ending next year.
Himmler, who oversaw the extermination of Jews, was spellbound by myths and legends until his suicide after being captured by the British.
He financed expeditions all over the world by Indiana Jones-type SS men seeking proof of the “supremacy” of Aryan man.
The skull, which weighs nearly 20lbs, is of the same design as the death’s head on the uniforms of Himmler’s henchmen.
It was found in the home of an old lady once married to a high-ranking SS officer and is now in the hands of Swiss journalist Luc Burgin, who said: “I am 99% sure that this is one of the skulls of the Mayans, but we need clarity and all available tests will be carried out to ascertain authenticity.”
It is believed a list of 35 other missing Nazi treasures was found with it.
The Mayans shaped 13 crystal skulls, of which nine were coloured and represented the races of men and four were as clear as glass to represent “the beasts that walk, crawl, slide and fly”.
They were sent to their places of “birth” until such time when all were needed to avert the catastrophe man would wreak on the planet.
The Mayans, gifted astronomers and mathematicians, calculated a date for this “end of days” - the winter solstice, December 21, 2012.
Crystal skull by SS Chief Himmler discovered in Bavaria! (Original News Release from Luc Burgin, Switzerland)
Basel, March 2011
Sensational discovery in Germany: the Swiss magazine MYSTERIES (www.mysteries-magazin.com<) reveals exclusively in its latest issue (March/April 2011) that a crystal skull surfaced recently in Bavaria – from the personal belongings of SS Chief Heinrich Himmler! This splendid piece weighs 9.2 kilos and was discovered together with a top secret, three-page “inventory list” of the SS Reichssicherheitshauptamt dated April 1945.
In addition to the mysterious crystal skull from South America, this yellowed original document lists such famous artworks as a “centre panel of the Altarpiece of Ghent” in Belgium, Egyptian artefacts believed to have been lost, and secret documents of the German “super weapon expert” General Hans Kammler, which are said to have been transported shortly before the War ended by SS Hunter Battalions from Augsburg to Strakonitz, a town in southern Bohemia.
Even the infamous pot made of gold from Lake Chiemsee that had been discovered in Bavaria in 2001 and later secretly sold by the Bavarian Finance Ministry for 160,000 Euros as “non-NS asset” to the Munich lawyer, Herbert Scholz, is expressly stated in this Nazi list just like some personal treasure trunks of Adolf Hitler.
MYSTERIES editor-in-chief, Luc Burgin (40), who personally held the skull and the documents in his hands and was able to inspect them, says “if this SS parchment is real despite all scepticism – and all points in this direction presently – then we are dealing with one of the historically hottest German treasure lists that survived the end of World War II!”
In addition to pictures of the skull and images of this “inventory list” the magazine publishes in its current issue the secret files, which have been missing for decades, about the devastating dioxin disaster in the Italian town of Seveso (1976).
Moreover MYSTERIES presents a controversial video from the Egyptian National Museum in Cairo, the valuable artworks which are uninsured to this day.
These never published amateur recordings show how negligently the Egyptian cultural authority is handling the invaluable gold mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamen to this day.
About Luc Burgin:
Luc Burgin was born in Basle, Switzerland in 1970 where he was awarded his Matura secondary school leaving certificate in 1989 and then went on to study German Studies, European Ethnology, Music Science, Media Science and Sociology at the University of Basle. In 1993 he embarked on a career as an author and freelance journalist and was Editor of a weekly newspaper from 1996 to 1998. He became Deputy Editor in Chief of a weekly newspaper from 1998 to 2000 and Editor in Chief of a Basle daily newspaper from 2000 to 2002.
Since then Luc Burgin has been one of the most successful journalists and publicists in Switzerland. The 12 popular science books he has written to date on controversial phenomena and disputed scientific discoveries have been translated into more than 12 languages worldwide. In 2000 he was awarded the «Exopsychology Prize» by the Swiss Dr.-A.-Hedri Foundation for his journalistic work.
Since 2003 Luc Burgin acts as as publisher and Editor in Chief of the bi-monthly magazine MYSTERIES (www.mysteries-magazin.com<), which currently has a total circulation of 35,000 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
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