Lexicon beginnend mit I
- IcelandNach Begriff suchen
The country where Rahn was with the Ahnenerbe expedition in 1936
Synonyme: Island, Исланд, Исландия
- Indiana JonesNach Begriff suchen
Fictional character created by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg on the basis of the Otto Rahn person.
Synonyme: Индиана Джонс
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Catharism (from Greek: καθαρὀς, katharos, pure), a name of Christian religion in the Languedoc region of France and other parts of Europe in the XI-XIII centuries. The Paulicians of Armenia and the Bogomils of Bulgaria can be also called Cathars. Self-identification term Good Men (Bons Hommes) or Good Christians. Also known as Albigensians.
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