The Secret Glory
Interview with Jeanne D'Aout: New book with Otto is out
Q: It’s nice to meet you again. Congratulations on your new book!
The new book, The Eye of Ra, also features Otto Rahn. I know every new book is always a breakthrough for a real writer. What was your main finding?
A: My most important discovery while writing my second book, ‘The Eye of Ra’, is the incredible experience of having lots of questions and finding out as soon as I started writing, that I had the answers already within me. Writing activates something in the brain that helps you understand certain things that are normally difficult to understand. Writing ‘The Eye of Ra’ took me back to ancient Egypt, where I set myself the quest of discovering the identity of the Biblical divination stones known as the Urim and Thummim, and to understand the psyche behind the heretical Pharaoh Akhenaten.
Otto Rahn's Crusade Against the Grail
William Henry talks to Christopher Jones, who has translated one of the legendary ?hidden? books of our time, Otto Rahn's Crusade Against the Grail. Although Rahn wrote in 1933, it has taken 73 years for it to be published in English. Find out why, then listen to possible Sasquatch cries thanks to the intrepid Linda Moulton Howe!
Monument to Rahn in Burg Waldeck (Hunsrück). Rahn and Wandervogel
V.: I have a question. Richard mentions the monument to Otto in the forest of the Hunsruck. Have anyone some pictures? Or the precise coordinates? I have not found any mentions about.
By the way - I don't like the inscription on it “Caution – these ways lead astray!”
It's not so simple)
Richard Stanley: Ave V. - You are right, mon frere. It is not so simple! The monument is a round stone bank in the courtyard of the seat of the Nerother Bund, a deeply conservative branch of the German youth movement known as the 'Wandervogel' whose headquarters can be found in Burg Waldeck in the forest of Hunsruck. As far as I know there are no photographs available on the web of this curious construction.
Lachrymae, Chapter IV: The Final Chapter
An Online Journal by Richard Stanley<
(Originally appeared in R. S.' MySpace<, December 9th, 2007.)
Brethren, I have invited you here to this ancient, invisible theatre with the intention of not only unmasking the killer God responsible for these crimes against 'reality', but more cogently, to provide an unambiguous solution to two or perhaps three long running esoteric enigmas!
I salute those who have stayed with the program from the top. For late joiners I include an index to conjure order out of the scrolling chaos and serve as an aid memoir for those hardy few who dare read further. I have very little keyboard time at present and less in the months to come. Until we meet again this strange saga is my gift to you.
Be warned the completed text contains 'spoilers' and may be hazardous to your belief systems.
White Lie by Jeanne D'Aout
The Secret of Otto Rahn - Relic Hunter
The nineteen thirties, Nazi Germany. Organisations like the Nordische Gesellschaft and the Thule Gesellschaft were researching the origin of the Germanic people, the Arian race. Obsessed with the ancient cultures which connected their ancestors, they searched all corners of the earth trying to find relics and remains of these old civilizations. Relic hunter Otto Rahn seached for the Grail treasure. Here, in Occitania.
Rahn visited Occitania many times and stayed for months at the time during 1929 - 1932. In '32 he leased a hotel called 'Les Maronniers' in Ussat-les-Bains. On the photo we see him entertaining his mother in the garden of the hotel. He is wearing a sweater which his mum nitted for him, showing the symbol of the Thule Gesell-schaft of which he was a member. When the hotel went bankrupt, he had to leave France.
Hans-Jürgen Lange
Hans-Jürgen Lange wurde am 22.11. 52 in Bad Sachsa/Südharz geboren. In Düsseldorf studierte er "Visuelle Kommunikation". Zahlreiche Reisen führten ihn nach Südost-Asien, Indien und Nepal.
Als Autor des Buches "Otto Rahn und die Suche nach dem Gral" hat Lange sich wohl am intensivsten mit Otto Rahn auseinander gesetzt. Er beriet Rüdiger Sünner zu dem Film "Schwarze Sonne", das britsche BBC drehte ein Interview mit ihm und der Filmemacher Richard Stanley dokumentierte sein biografisches Wissen zu Rahn in "The Secret Glory".
Отто Ран и Пиренейский Грааль
Поскольку о Граале говорится и пишется много, каждый ищет что-то значимое для себя. Самое загадочное здесь то, каким образом эта священная реликвия вообще оказалась связанной с альбигойцами? Ведь мы знаем так же и рассказ о том, что Иосиф Аримафейских лично отвез Чашу – если это была действительно чаша – в Англию, в Гластонбери…
(Кажется, что каждая страна по своему трактовала легенду о Граале, с учетом местных фольклорных особенностей и легенд... Проходя «сквозь» местную мифологию, эта легенда - и сам артефакт – обретали форму, в которой были наиболее приемлемы и священны в данной местности? В Англии, в Британии, где кельты и друиды почитали богиню Керрридвенн и ее священный котел – Грааль так же принял форму чаши. А в Пиренеях, где поклонялись Кибеле в пещерах и гротах, где находили метеориты, упавшие с неба, с их целительными свойствами – Грааль стал камнем, упавшим практически тоже с неба, из короны Люцифера. Не забудем, что легенды о Граале имеют больше литературное происхождение, скажем так, а не фольклорное.)
Отто Ран в Википедии
Отто Вильгельм Ран (нем. Otto Wilhelm Rahn (18 февраля 1904, Михельштадт — 13 или 14 марта 1939, гора Куфштайн близ городка Куфштайн, Тирольские Альпы, Австрия) — немецкий писатель и исследователь, археолог-любитель, сотрудник Аненербе, оберштурмфюрер СС.
Otto Rahn in Wikipedia
Otto Wilhelm Rahn (February 18, 1904—March 13, 1939) was a German medievalist and a Obersturmführer (First Lieutenant) of the SS, born in Michelstadt, Germany.
Speculation still swirls around Otto Rahn and his research. From an early age, he became interested in the legends of Parsifal, Holy Grail, Lohengrin, and the Nibelungenlied. While attending the University of Giessen he was inspired by his professor, the Baron von Gall, to study the Albigensian (Catharism) movement, and the massacre that occurred at Montségur. Rahn is quoted as saying that "It was a subject that completely captivated me''".
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