Philip Kerr
Otto Rahn's Crusade Against the Grail
William Henry talks to Christopher Jones, who has translated one of the legendary ?hidden? books of our time, Otto Rahn's Crusade Against the Grail. Although Rahn wrote in 1933, it has taken 73 years for it to be published in English. Find out why, then listen to possible Sasquatch cries thanks to the intrepid Linda Moulton Howe!
В поисках утраченного Грааля
Берлин между мировыми войнами был городом, известным по всей Европе своей богемной субкультурой молодых интеллектуалов. Среди лиц, которые горячо обсуждали много модернистских "измов", которые ломали старые идеологические определения, что склеивали 19-ое столетие, немногие были более колоритными, чем этот темноволосый, зеленоглазый молодой человек по имени Отто Вильгельм Ран. Его худая фигура, одетая в характерный черный плащ и фетровую шляпу, бросает длинную тень из тех сумеречных лет, ‘великий силуэт’, вокруг которого вращались самые невероятные мифы. Он, как говорили, был Масоном, Розенкрейцером, Люциферианцем, посланцем Общества Туле, посвященным Катаром и даже руководителем некоего неизвестного международного тайного общества.
Otto Rahn im Wikipedia
Otto Wilhelm Rahn (* 18. Februar 1904 in Michelstadt im Odenwald; † 13./14. März 1939 bei Söll (Tirol), Österreich) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Mediävist und Ariosoph,[1] der sich mit dem Gralsmythos beschäftigte.
Schule und Studium
Rahn wurde 1904 in Michelstadt/Odenwald als erstes Kind des Justizamtmanns Karl und Clara Rahn (geb. Hamburger) geboren. Ab 1910 besuchte er das humanistische Gymnasium erst in Bingen, wo er bis zum Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs lebte. Sein Abitur machte er in Gießen. Dort begeisterte ihn sein Religionslehrer Freiherr von Gall erstmals für die Geschichte der Katharer. 1922 begann Rahn ein Jurastudium in Gießen, das er an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg und der Universität Heidelberg fortsetzte. 1925 bis 1928 unterbrach er sein Jurastudium und betätigte sich als Handelsreisender für verschiedene Verlage.
Philip Kerr: Berlin Noir
The book Berlin Noir by Philip Kerr consists of three novels with Nazi Germany in background - richer and more readable than most histories of the period. We first meet ex-policeman Bernie Gunther in 1936, in March Violets (a term of derision which original Nazis used to describe late converts.) The Olympic Games are about to start; some of Bernie's Jewish friends are beginning to realize that they should have left while they could; and Gunther himself has been hired to look into two murders that reach high into the Nazi Party. In The Pale Criminal, it's 1938, and Gunther has been blackmailed into rejoining the police by Heydrich himself.
Otto Rahn in Wikipedia
Otto Wilhelm Rahn (February 18, 1904—March 13, 1939) was a German medievalist and a Obersturmführer (First Lieutenant) of the SS, born in Michelstadt, Germany.
Speculation still swirls around Otto Rahn and his research. From an early age, he became interested in the legends of Parsifal, Holy Grail, Lohengrin, and the Nibelungenlied. While attending the University of Giessen he was inspired by his professor, the Baron von Gall, to study the Albigensian (Catharism) movement, and the massacre that occurred at Montségur. Rahn is quoted as saying that "It was a subject that completely captivated me''".
Raiders of the Lost Grail
Berlin between the wars was a city known throughout Europe for its bohemian subculture of young intellectuals. Amongst the personalities who hotly debated the many modernist “isms” that were fracturing the old ideological certainties which had glued together the 19th century, few individuals were more colourful than a dark-haired, green-eyed young man named Otto Wilhelm Rahn. His gaunt figure, swathed in characteristic black coat and fedora, casts a long shadow out of those twilight years, a ‘great silhouette’ around which the most extravagant myths accrued. He was variously said to be a Mason, a Rosicrucian, a Luciferian, an agent of the Thule Gesellschaft, an initiated Cathar and even the leader of an obscure, international secret society. As author Philip Kerr puts it, Rahn’s contemporaries might not have been surprised to see “the Scarlet Woman and the Great Beast come flying out of the front door” of his apartment on Tiergartenstrasse. One of his Nazi peers in Heinrich Himmler’s Black Order remarked in an internal memo that he “half suspected Rahn of being in league with the little people”. To this day, it is widely believed that this enigmatic young man knew the whereabouts of one of the most sacred relics in all Christendom – the Most High Holy Grail. But the truth is stranger still…
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