Lexicon beginning with R
reincarnationsearch for term
Rene Nellisearch for term
Renat Nelli (1896 - 1982). The translator of Otto Rahn in France. Founder of the Center for Cathar Studies (Centre d’etudes Cathare) in Carcassonne. One of the major authors of the 20th century in Occitania.
Sinónimos: Renat Nelli, René Nelli, Нелли
Rennes-le-Châteausearch for term
Small village in Occitania, the center of various conspiracy theories concerning the Grail, Cathars, the Templars.
Ver también: Sauniere
Sinónimos: Rennes le Château, Rennes-le-Chateau, Ренн-ле-Шато
Rescanièressearch for term
Joseph Rescanières (1878-1915), priest of the church of Rennes-les-Bains (1914-1915), the Rennes-le-Château neighbouring parish.
Ver también: Boudet
Sinónimos: Rescanière, Rescanieres
Richard Stanleysearch for term
The author of The Secret Glory film about Otto Rahn.
Ver también: The Secret Glory
Sinónimos: Stanley, Стэнли
Rico Gongorasearch for term
Sinónimos: Gongora
Rudolf Rahnsearch for term
(13.03.1900 - 07.01.1975) The German Ambassador to Italy. The man, who is considered being Otto Rahn after 'death' in 1939 by some authors.
The Otto Rahn's brother name was also Rudolf.Sinónimos: Rudolph Rahn, Рудольф Ран
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