Lexicon beginning with L
Languedocsearch for term
Languedoc is a former province of France in Midi-Pyrénées, the capital city is Toulouse. Part of Occitania. The center of Cathar religion.
Ver también: Occitania
Sinónimos: Лангедок
Lombrivessearch for term
Caves near Montsegur where Otto Rahn spent a lot of time searching for the Grail traces.
Ver también: Fontanet, Ornolac
Sinónimos: Ломбрив
Luca Leonello Rimbottisearch for term
Sinónimos: Rimbotti
Lucifersearch for term
The Light Bringer. Otto Rahn understood him (according to Catharism) as the liberator from the Jewish God.
Sinónimos: Luzifer, Люцифер
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(13.03.1900 - 07.01.1975) The German Ambassador to Italy. The man, who is considered being Otto Rahn after 'death' in 1939 by some authors.
The Otto Rahn's brother name was also Rudolf.
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hace 13 años 9 semanas