Servants of the Grail: The Real-Life Characters of the Grail Legend Identified By Philip Coppens

The Grail story is a Western European rendering of a pre-Christian Graeco-Egyptian religious story on how to live a pious life so that the soul will be able to meet God.
Published on: 2009-03-16
240 pages
ISBN-10: 1846941555
About the Author Philip Coppens (1971-)
started his career as an investigative journalist, with as specialist subject the world of politics and intelligence agencies. In 1995, he established Frontier Magazine (formerly Frontier 2000), a newsstand magazine in the Netherlands and Belgium; in 2005, he co-founded Les Carnets Secrets, an alternative history magazine in France. His articles have appeared in various magazines (Fortean Times, Nexus, New Dawn, etc.), as well as appearances on radio and television.
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