Lexicon commençant par E
- Eddarechercher ce terme
Old Norse Poetic and Prose Edda, written in Iceland during the 13th century in Icelandic, although they contain material from earlier traditional sources reaching into the Viking Age. The main sources of medieval skaldic tradition in Iceland and Norse mythology.
Synonymes: Эдда
- Eric Wynantsrechercher ce terme
Esoteric fiction author
- Esclarmonderechercher ce terme
Esclarmonde de Foix, the 'White Lady' of Montsegur
Synonymes: white lady
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Secret society which has a history starting in XI century including Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton as Masters, the Templars. It is usually a common part of different conspiracy theories. Some authors says Otto Rahn was sponsored by them in his early searchings in France.
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