Lexicon commençant par H
- Habdurechercher ce terme
More than 2meters-tall Somali (from some sources - Senegalese) man, former bartender, who accompanied Otto as a bodyguard in France and even saved his life in the grotto of Fontanet
Synonymes: Габду, Хабду
- Hans-Jurgen Langerechercher ce terme
German author and researcher of the Nazi occult doctrine. Books: Otto Rahn und die Suche nach dem Gral, Das Licht der Schwarzen Sonne. Himmlers Rasputin und seine Erben
Synonymes: Lange, Ланге, Лангэ
- Heinrich Himmlerrechercher ce terme
Synonymes: Himmler, Гимлер, Гиммлер
- Howard Buechnerrechercher ce terme
Colonel of the United States Army, medical officer. Author of Emerald Cup Ark of Gold: Quest of Ss Lieutenant Otto Rahn
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The Grail Castle of Eschenbach's Parzival. Otto believed it was the Castle of Montsegur.
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