Lexicon beginnend mit B
- Berlin NoirNach Begriff suchen
The fiction book by Philip Kerr with Otto Rahn as character
Siehe auch: Philip Kerr
- Black SunNach Begriff suchen
Invisible or burnt out Sun (or old Sun), symbolizes an opposing force or pole, or the left side of the Universe (or our Galaxy), or the celestial homeland of the Hyperboreans and the invisible source of their energy. The central symbol of the Nazi ideology. The similar term is in alchemy teachings, Mayan mythology, Helena Blavatsky's Theosophy (Central Sun) etc.
Synonyme: Schwarze Sonne, Sol Niger, Soleil Noir, Черное Солнце
- Blood LanceNach Begriff suchen
the book of Craig Smith with the Otto Rahn investigations in the plot
Siehe auch: Craig Smith
- BoudetNach Begriff suchen
Henri Boudet (1837-1914), priest of the church of Rennes-les-Bains (1872-1914), the Rennes-le-Château neighbouring parish.
Siehe auch: Rescanières
- BuchenwaldNach Begriff suchen
Concentration Camp in which Otto Rahn served two months according to SS duty (end of 1938).
Siehe auch: Dachau
Synonyme: Бухенвальд
Beliebte Inhalte
Random Lexicon
1877-1941. Poet, a historian of the Pyrenees. Books 'The Treasure of the Albigensians' and 'The Blood of Toulouse'
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