Philip Kerr: Berlin Noir
The book Berlin Noir by Philip Kerr consists of three novels with Nazi Germany in background - richer and more readable than most histories of the period. We first meet ex-policeman Bernie Gunther in 1936, in March Violets (a term of derision which original Nazis used to describe late converts.) The Olympic Games are about to start; some of Bernie's Jewish friends are beginning to realize that they should have left while they could; and Gunther himself has been hired to look into two murders that reach high into the Nazi Party. In The Pale Criminal, it's 1938, and Gunther has been blackmailed into rejoining the police by Heydrich himself.
Dan McNeil: The Judas Apocalypse, and Interview with the author
On the eve of the Second World war, Dr. Gerhard Denninger, a German archeologist is approached by infamous Grail seeker Otto Rahn who tells him a fantastic story of Templars, Church scandal, a long-buried manuscript, and the key to finding the famous lost treasure of the Cathars. In 1944, with the help of a group of American soldiers, Denninger continues his quest for the secret of the Cathar treasure. With dangers dogging them at every step, will they find what they’re seeking? And will they be prepared for the shocking discovery that awaits them?
Emerald Cup - Ark of Gold: The Quest of SS Otto Rahn of The Third Reich by Howard A. Buechner
Howard Buechner (Colonel Howard A. Buechner)
Emerald Cup - Ark of Gold: The Quest of SS Otto Rahn of The Third Reich (1991)
Paperback: 253 pages
Publisher: Thunderbird Pr (June 1991)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0913159077
ISBN-13: 978-0913159071
The Sixth Key by Adriana Koulias - one more book with Otto as the main character
'By the Power of these Keys, the Head of the Church will be made the Lord of Hell' It is 2012 and a cryptic invitation leads a crime novelist to Venice's Island of the Dead. Once there he is captivated by his host's tale, which spans the centuries, but seemingly begins and ends in the dark days of the 1930's. In 1936, a similarly cryptic invitation brings Grail historian Otto Rahn to an apartment in Berlin. Waiting for him inside is Hitler's right-hand man, Heinrich Himmler, and Rahn's life is turned upside down. For Himmler wants Rahn to locate Les Serpent Rouge, a notorious book of black magic written by Pope Honorius in the 14th century. Following a trail from Paris down to Carcassonne in the South of France, Rahn discovers a web of deceit and murder.
The Wanderings of the Grail: The Cathars, the Search for the Grail And the Discovery of Egyptian Relics in the French Pyrenees
by André Douzet<
Adventures Unlimited Press, 2006 - History - 95 pages
In the 13th century, the Church came down against the Cathars, who had settled in the French Pyrenees. The Cathars practiced a belief in which “perfects” acted as priests that educated their followers in a specific system of believes and who aided the believers in “dying consciously”, which was also at heart of ancient Egyptian belief systems. Both the Egyptians and the Cathars felt they had to “cheat” the cycle of reincarnation (the cycle of evil), and “ascend” to the world of light.
Baudino Mario - IL MITO CHE UCCIDE. Dai catari al nazismo: l'avventura di Otto Rahn l'uomo che cercava il Graal e incontro Hitler
Alla fine degli anni Venti un giovane e brillante storico tedesco, Otto Rahn, giunge per la prima volta in Provenza, sulle tracce del Santo Graal, la mitica reliquia la cui storia è strettamente connessa con quella dell'eresia e della persecuzione dei càtari durante il Medioevo. Attraverso i meandri di questa vicenda, avvolta tra realtà e leggenda, l'autore ripercorre con ampio respiro narrativo una delle pagine più fosche della storia europea. Rahn finirà per essere cooptato dai dirigenti nazisti che intendono rilanciare il mito "ariano" del Graal, promuovendo vere e proprie spedizioni di ricerca anche dopo la misteriosa morte del giovane studioso, avvenuta nel 1938, a soli trentaquattro anni.
Dati 2004, 256 p., rilegato
Editore Longanesi
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