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Invisible Eagle and NS Occult History, by Alan Baker

... Rahn (1904-1939), who had a profound interest in medieval Grail legends and the Cathar heresy. In 1933, Rahn published a romantic ... Kreuzzug gegen den Gral (Crusade Against the Grail), which was a study of the Albigensian Crusade, a war between the Roman ...

Story - admin - 12/07/2011 - 03:29 - 0 comentarios

Passport (Reisepass) of Otto Rahn, page 1

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Gallery Image - admin - 12/13/2011 - 22:54 - 0 comentarios

Rahn's Resignation from the SS letter

Date: February 25?, 1939 (less than three weeks before his death) Gruppenfuhrer! Leider muss ich Sie bitten, bei dem Reichsfuhrer-SS meine sofortige Entlassung aus ...

Story - admin - 12/07/2011 - 03:49 - 0 comentarios

Otto Rahn: To Rennes or not to Rennes?

...  I believe we have to focus on the concept of the Grail. If the quest was for something tangible then the thing would have been ... despite its ceaseless efforts to arrogate the power of the Grail. The skeleton key Image: Newspaper report announcing ...

Story - admin - 12/07/2011 - 03:47 - 0 comentarios

Lucifer's Court, English, 2008

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Gallery Image - admin - 12/02/2011 - 05:23 - 0 comentarios

Karl Hammer-Kaatee published “Satans Lied: De Jacht van de CIA op Jezus. Waargebeurd verhaal”

666 = Satan’s Song? Not just any other Rennes-le-Château < book? In September 2006, Dutch author Karl Hammer-Kaatee published “ Satans Lied: De ...

Story - admin - 12/07/2011 - 03:50 - 0 comentarios

La corte de Lucifer, Spanish

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Gallery Image - admin - 12/02/2011 - 05:15 - 0 comentarios

The place where a corpse with the Otto's passport was found

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Gallery Image - admin - 12/17/2011 - 01:01 - 0 comentarios

The interior of the Otto's living room in Des Maronniers, nowadays

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Gallery Image - admin - 12/13/2011 - 19:20 - 0 comentarios


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Gallery Image - admin - 12/04/2011 - 03:50 - 0 comentarios