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Himmler und der Heilige Gral

Der Heilige Gral gilt seit Jahrhunderten als Reliquie, die Lebenskraft spendet. Der Verbleib des Grals gibt immer wieder den Anstoß zu vielfältigen Mythen. Auch die Nazis haben ihn gesucht. 1935 wurde der Schriftsteller Otto Rahn nach Berlin beordert. Er bekam von Heinrich Himmler den Auftrag, den Heiligen Gral zu suchen. Er sollte von der SS ausgestellt werden. Otto Rahn musste seine jahrelange Suche am Ende mit dem Leben bezahlen.

Interview with Jeanne D'Aout: New book with Otto is out

Q: It’s nice to meet you again. Congratulations on your new book!
The new book, The Eye of Ra, also features Otto Rahn. I know every new book is always a breakthrough for a real writer. What was your main finding?

A: My most important discovery while writing my second book, ‘The Eye of Ra’, is the incredible experience of having lots of questions and finding out as soon as I started writing, that I had the answers already within me. Writing activates something in the brain that helps you understand certain things that are normally difficult to understand. Writing ‘The Eye of Ra’ took me back to ancient Egypt, where I set myself the quest of discovering the identity of the Biblical divination stones known as the Urim and Thummim, and to understand the psyche behind the heretical Pharaoh Akhenaten.

Discover Cathar Country with author Jeanne D'Août

Discover the secrets of Occitania with author Jeanne D'Août (books: White Lie and The Eye of Ra)

Otto Rahn's Crusade Against the Grail

William Henry talks to Christopher Jones, who has translated one of the legendary ?hidden? books of our time, Otto Rahn's Crusade Against the Grail. Although Rahn wrote in 1933, it has taken 73 years for it to be published in English. Find out why, then listen to possible Sasquatch cries thanks to the intrepid Linda Moulton Howe!

White Lie group tour 2013

Discover the secrets of Occitania with author Jeanne D'Aout (White Lie). One week group tour through the beautiful south of France, in the footsteps of Otto Rahn and White Lie book.

Monument to Rahn in Burg Waldeck (Hunsrück). Rahn and Wandervogel

V.: I have a question. Richard mentions the monument to Otto in the forest of the Hunsruck. Have anyone some pictures? Or the precise coordinates? I have not found any mentions about.
By the way - I don't like the inscription on it “Caution – these ways lead astray!”
It's not so simple)

Richard Stanley: Ave V. - You are right, mon frere. It is not so simple! The monument is a round stone bank in the courtyard of the seat of the Nerother Bund, a deeply conservative branch of the German youth movement known as the 'Wandervogel' whose headquarters can be found in Burg Waldeck in the forest of Hunsruck. As far as I know there are no photographs available on the web of this curious construction.

Amazon Kindle edition of White Lie and the book signing event


Belvianes, France, August 15, 2012 -- The truth is out there and it is much more unbelievable than fiction. Thirty years ago, ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ exploded at the box office. The adventures of Indiana Jones were pure fantasy but the man he was based on was very real. His name was Otto Rahn.
Indiana Jones is a pop-culture phenomenon - Spielberg saw to that - making the charismatic relic hunter, who was willing to risk life and limb to outsmart the Nazi’s and beat them to discovering the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, impossible to forget. Was Indy pure fiction? Not quite.
'White Lie’ is a story about forbidden history, hidden relics and the adventures of a group of people who get involved in something much bigger than themselves. It combines the mission of the Knights Templar - the warrior monks who legends claim discovered a sacred treasure beneath Solomon’s Temple - with Nazi relic hunter Otto Rahn.

One more Otto Rahn: do not confuse!

There is one more Otto Rahn in the history. He was German too, he wrote books, but he was a bacteriologist.

But you can find such a book cover on the Amazon. Don't be confused)) It is not Otto Wilhelm Rahn's book.


Here the biography of Otto Rahn, the Microbiologist.

April 9, 1881 — September 26, 1957

Who was the real Indiana Jones?

Although Lucas and Spielberg claim Indiana Jones was only inspired by adventure movies and pulp fiction, people have still suggested real-life inspirations. Tune in to learn more about several contenders, including Roy Chapman Andrews and Otto Rahn.
