Resultados de la búsqueda
- Newspaper coverage of a speech by Otto Rahn
... who greeted Rahn as a comrade and briefly outlined the Lucifer-Problem which Rahn would talk about. Next Rahn created an image of Lucifer in such emphatic and compelling language that it could not be thought ...
Story - admin - 12/10/2011 - 20:39 - 0 comentarios
- The Holy Grail: Imagination and Belief
... The Crusade against the Grail and The Courtiers of Lucifer . His argument was that the Grail legends masked Cathar doctrine. The Cathars worshipped Lucifer, understood as the liberator from the Jewish God, and the true Grail ...
Story - admin - 12/07/2011 - 03:35 - 0 comentarios
- Fascination with the Grail
... consciousness of Germany, was, in more than one sense, Lucifer ian. With conscious aim, he effectively interwove his own propaganda ... (Articles, Cathars, Grail, Indiana Jones, Investigation, Lucifer, Montsegur, Parsival, reincarnation, Spear of Destiny, Templars, Werner ...
Story - admin - 12/10/2011 - 11:56 - 0 comentarios
- Otto Rahn: las conexiones entre catarismo y nazismo
UNA DE LAS FIGURAS que más fascinación ha ejercido en relación al mundo “neocátaro” es Otto Rahn, que buscó el Santo Grial en la fortaleza de Montségur . Miembro ...
Story - admin - 12/13/2011 - 22:16 - 0 comentarios
- Еhe church's war on the cathars
... Grail there. Montesegur was in danger, the armies of Lucifer had besieged it. They wanted the Grail, to restore it to their ... Wynants, Esclarmonde, Grail, Investigation, Languedoc, Lucifer, Montsegur, reincarnation) ...
Story - admin - 12/07/2011 - 03:36 - 0 comentarios
- Otto Rahn Bio
... Against the Grail) in 1933 and Luzifer s Hofgesind (Lucifer's Court) in 1937. According to his French translator, Rahn believed ... of the SS in 1936. For his second book, The Court of Lucifer, Rahn travelled and wrote about places in Germany, France, Italy, and ...
Story - admin - 11/19/2011 - 02:44 - 0 comentarios
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